Shopping Centre Flooring

Shopping Centre Flooring Image for Blog
In order to ensure that businesses could remain open, large portions of the works were completed during out of retail hours.

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Westside Shopping Centre is a bustling retail centre with many businesses operating from its premises due to its proximity to Galway City. The Shopping Centre Flooring had not been upgraded in some time.

The owners of the centre required an upgrade to the Shopping Centre Flooring at the front of each shop as they were becoming hazardous to public safety. It was also decided, as part of this project, to update the paving, and also street furniture such as planter boxes, benches, bike stands, trolley bays, bins and bollards.

The partner used for this project were MMA architects. We have successfully partnered with MMA on several projects and this was no exception


Due to the existing tiles to the front of the retail park being a slip hazard, and also damaged, it was decided to supply and install over 500m2 of Lea Ceramiche tiling, which is a newer anti-slip tile. This tile was not only safer but also more aesthetically pleasing, which, therefore, provided the added bonus of an improved appearance for the retail park on completion. Regarding physical work to be carried out, the area was would firstly need to scabbled in order to remove all existing adhesive in place.

Due to the large quantities of material required for this project a compound was set up on site, consisting of 40ft & 20ft shipping containers for storage.


Numerous signs and barriers were used throughout the project to cordon off unsafe areas. Skips were brought to the site in rotation to ensure the safe removal of all waste and materials. All metal waste was recycled in keeping with our green eco-philosophy as a company. Finally, all required health and safety documentation such as the Construction Health & Safety Plan was followed diligently.

The main challenge faced during this project was, in order to ensure that businesses could remain open, large portions of the works were completed during out of retail hours. In order to overcome and manage this challenge, a detailed precise schedule of works was adhered to by all involved.


As most of the works were being carried out to the front entrance of existing businesses, a detailed schedule / timeline of works was prepared pre works, therefore ensuring that staff and employees were, at no point, placed in danger for the duration of the works.

On completion of the project, new tiles had been installed along with new paving along the front of the retail units. All the existing bins, bollards, planter boxes, benches, trolley bays and bike stands were removed and disposed of off-site and replaced. Procuring these items as new was difficult due to freight delays at the time of writing and due to lack of materials and supplies in Ireland due to
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